Landlord Information

Do you own a home that you would like to rent to Section 8 tenants? Here are some common questions asked by landlords:


You enter into a lease agreement with the tenant. The Housing Authority will provide the lease, which includes all regulations required by HUD. You will sign a Contract with the Housing Authority assuring that a portion of your rent will be paid by the Authority. Your property must be inspected to see that it meets certain Housing Quality Standards (HQS), basically ensuring the housing is decent, safe and sanitary.

View a copy of the Section 8 Lease


Utilities are not turned on at the time of the inspection.

Gas or oil furnaces are not operating at the time of the initial inspection.

Appliances are not working properly or have missing parts.

The only smoke detector on any given level of a unit is located in the kitchen; there is not a smoke detector located near sleeping areas, on all levels, or in a laundry room.

Smoke detectors are not working properly, are missing batteries, or the batteries are low on power.

Outlet or light switch cover plates are broken or missing.

Junction boxes or electrical panels are open, exposing wires and wire connections.

Hot water tanks do not have a discharge line.

Plumbing fixtures leak or drains are plugged.

Window panes are broken, windows do not have locks.

Stairs with four or more steps do not have a railing.

Deteriorated (chipping and peeling) paint is present on any surface of the interior or exterior of the building or any other structures on the property.

View a copy of the inspection form


A portion of the rent is on time and guaranteed by HUD and paid directly to you by the Housing Authority. The tenant pays the balance to you. If the tenant's income drops, his/her portion of the rent can be lowered and the Housing Authority's portion can be increased, so the rent does not change. Fair Market Rents (FMR) are set and approved by the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) and are adjusted annually. You have the option to select (and screen) any family certified by the Housing Authority as your tenant. You may also post your vacancies at the Housing Authority and save on advertising costs. You deal directly with the tenant.


Your rights are the same as they are in the private market. You select tenants from the pool of eligible families maintained by the Housing Authority. You still have the right to evict the tenant in accordance with State law.


Basically, these are the same as they are in the private market. You must perform your obligations under the Housing Authority Contract and the lease. You have the responsibility for maintaining and managing your unit. You pay utilities and services unless specified in the lease as the tenant's responsibility. You collect the tenant's portion of the rent. You must comply with the Fair Housing Act and equal opportunity requirements.